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Healthy Zindagi

Recording Studio
Join Dr Gayatri as she speaks with healthcare professionals and community groups about different health topics. The aim of this radio show is to raise awareness of different health and wellbeing topics – it is not a replacement for an appointment with your doctor. If you have any concerns about your health and wellbeing, Dr Gayatri encourages you to make an appointment with your doctor so they can give you appropriate personalised healthcare advice.

Episode 1 - Introduction

In this episode, Dr Gayatri shares her vision for the show, what inspired Healthy Zindagi, and what you can expect to hear in the upcoming weeks.

Episode 1 - Introduction to Healthy ZindagiDr Gayatri
00:00 / 41:18

Episode 2 - Diabetes with Dr Ali

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Dr Asif Ali, Consultant Endocrinologist at Milton Keynes University Hospital. They talk about how to define diabetes, the treatments, the long term complications, and how we can use lifestyle measures to mitigate the impacts.

Episode 2 - Diabetes with Dr AliDr Gayatri
00:00 / 1:13:38
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Episode 3 - Diabetes with Abdul 

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Abdul Rais, a member and volunteer for Diabetes UK. They talk about Abdul's lived experience with Type 2 diabetes, and how Diabetes UK can provide support within the community.

Episode 3 - Diabetes with Abdul RaisDr Gayatri
00:00 / 54:35

Episode 4 - Catch up 

In this episode, Dr Gayatri recaps the information in the previous weeks, as well as laying the foundations for the next couple of episodes about heart disease

Episode 4 - Catch upDr Gayatri
00:00 / 33:13
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Episode 5 - Heart Disease with MKCCG

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Jim Gorringe (member and volunteer at Milton Keynes Community Cardio Pulmonary Group - MKCCG) and Libby Hawthorne (cardiac nurse at MKCCG) about Jim's lived experience with heart disease, and how MKCCG provide support in the community to help those with heart disease.

Episode 5 - Heart Disease with MKCCGDr Gayatri
00:00 / 1:00:00

Episode 6 - Heart Disease with Prof Kardos

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Professor Attila Kardos, Consultant Cardiologist at Milton Keynes University Hospital. They talk about what heart attacks are, the treatments for them, as well as modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for heart disease.

Episode 6 - Heart Disease with Prof KardosDr Gayatri
00:00 / 1:08:32

Episode 7 - Lifestyle Medicine with Dr Gupta 

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Dr Vijay Gupta, Consultant in Acute Medicine at Milton Keynes University Hospital. They discuss what lifestyle medicine involves, the six pillars, and how we can use SMART goals to set targets to make healthy lifestyle changes.

Episode 7 - Lifestyle Medicine with Dr GuptaDr Gayatri
00:00 / 1:07:53
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Episode 8 - Staying safe in the winter 

In this episode, Dr Gayatri shares advice on how we can look after ourselves and stay safe in these colder winter months, and stay motivated to keep ourselves healthy.

Episode 8 - Staying safe in the winterDr Gayatri
00:00 / 1:00:00
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Episode 9 - Closing off the Year 

In this episode, Dr Gayatri looks back on the episodes in the past few months, and shares what you can look out for next year.

Episode 9 - Closing off the YearDr Gayatri
00:00 / 54:34
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Episode 10 - Introduction to the New Year

In this episode, Dr Gayatri explores how to set SMART goals for New Year resolutions, and shares some of the episodes that are planned for this year.

Episode 10 - Introduction to the New YearDr Gayatri
00:00 / 48:06

Episode 11 - Obesity with Dr Humayun

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Dr Asif Humayun, a Consultant Endocrinologist at Milton Keynes University Hospital. They discuss what obesity is, how is can be harmful, the taboos and stigma in South Asian society, as well as preventative measures you can take.

Episode 11 - Obesity with Dr HumayunDr Gayatri
00:00 / 1:04:04
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Episode 12 - Cervical cancer with Mr Nakade and Dr Nakade

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Mr Nakade, a Gynaecology Consultant at Milton Keynes University Hospital, and Dr Nakade, a GP and trained Gynaecologist. They disuss what cervical cancer is, how it is linked to HPV, the screening programmes, treatments, and a new segment called Quick Fire: Myths and Taboos.

Episode 12 - Cervical cancer with Mr Nakade and Dr NakadeDr Gayatri
00:00 / 58:08
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Episode 13 - Palliative Care with Dr Jane Wale

In this episode, Dr Gayatri is in conversation with Dr Jane Wale, Palliative Care Consultant at Milton Keynes University Hospital. They talk about the importance of discussions around death and dying, and the important role Palliative Care plays in the management of patients with terminal conditions. Look out for the segment Quick Fire Myths and Taboos. 

Episode 13 - Palliative Care with Dr Jane WaleDr Gayatri
00:00 / 47:48
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